Latest daily deals: Sea Point - Weight Loss

Cape Metropole


Sea Point, Cape Town, Cape Metropole, Western Cape
Fat Freeze, Cavitation, Treatment
R649 La Glace Aesthetics, Sea Point. Deal: Fat Freeze Session for One Area, including Cavitation Ultrasound & Radio Frequency Treatment at only R649 (Value: R3000)!
Lalaluna Body Aesthetics
Sea Point, Cape Town, Cape Metropole, Western Cape
Lipolysis, Cavitation, Treatment
R799 Lalaluna Body Aesthetics: Cryolipolysis Treatment & Ultrasonic Cavitation
Salon Chio
Sea Point, Cape Town, Cape Metropole, Western Cape
Lipolysis, Fat Freeze
R1.999 Cryolipolysis Fat Freeze Treatments from R1 999 at Salon Chio (Up to 75% Off). A non-invasive procedure designed to freeze and break down fat cells without harming surrounding tissue, Cryolipolysis contours physiques 2 buys
Boudoir Beauty
Sea Point, Cape Town, Cape Metropole, Western Cape
R959 RF Bipolar Cavitation Sessions from R959 at Boudoir Beauty (Up to 75% Off). Using radio frequency, fat molecules are heated and broken down and subsequently ousted through the metabolic system 4 buys